Blog Archive 2017 • Cat Morley


We went for coffee at Project Coffee this morning and I brought along my new super macro lens to play with. Afterwards we picked up some yummy looking cakes from La Barantine to take to Izzy &...
Dumfries & Galloway
It was so rainy and grey today, making it one of the worst days for a drive down south, but Tom was determined to go on an adventure so we set off anyway. I secretly quite like taking photos when ...
It was a really pretty evening so we decided to go for a drive down south. The sky was a pretty pink and blue, and the fields were bright gold as the sun set. It was twilight as we drove home and...
Port Edgar Marina
We met up with my Mum, Dad and Nana in South Queensferry today and headed down to Port Edgar Marina. We went for lunch at Down The Hatch where I had super tasty avocado and egg on toast.
Three Birds
We went for lunch at Three Birds this afternoon. During the day, you can get two courses for £12. To start, I had the cumin polenta fries which came with roast squash and courgette, while Tom had ...
Galentine's Day
It started snowing in Edinburgh today and the mews looked all pretty and wintery out of the window. I was tucked up all warm inside at my craft desk making Katie a Galentine's Day present.
Neon Cactus
Inspired by our time at the Lido in Bristol, I decided to make some mint and cucumber soap. Check out Mint & Cucumber Soap on Cut Out + Keep
The Queen Of The Tearling
Katie invited me to join her book club and I had my first meet-up this evening. We'd been reading The Queen Of The Tearling which I loved, so I ended up reading the whole trilogy. I was a little b...


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